Tuesday, September 13, 2011


These dang steroids!!! Man are they crazy. I miss my baby girl. Yes, she has moments of her normal personality but I miss the Taleah that everyone knows/loves. Her cravings are hilarious and stressful at times. I know some people think I am just spoiling her by giving her whatever she wasnts... BUT until you live 24 hrs/day with someone who is on them screaming/throwing a tantrum.... you don't understand. AND it is the only thing that makes her happy and the only thing she can control at this point... and sometimes it doesn't even do that for her. We can do 11 more days of them. She can do it. She has done so much already. I amazed at her strength. I am a routine person so I can't wait to have some normalcy and routine back in our lives.

She has been asking/craving Grammy's rolls. We brought a bag with us but it went bad while we were here. We have been trying to distract her with other things but she kept requesting them. Finally, we asked Roxi to make some and bring them to us. I can't even tell you the smile she got on her face when I told her Roxi would bring her some. Seriously. Food can do a lot for this girl right now.

Just to list some of her recent cravings... fruit snacks, string cheese, cheese and crackers, cafe rio, pizza factory, sprite, pink gatorade, subway "samwich", spaghetti ("buscetti"), noodles with white sauce (alfredo), pizza with the little brown things (sausage), rolls (grammy's), bagel with strawberry cream cheese

I am sure someday I will look back and laugh... I kind of laugh now...but kind of not!

Her little cheeks are doubled in size... her belly too.

Officially 33 pounds... a gain of 3 pounds.

She laughed a lot tonight.



  1. ahh i love your family, you are a lucky girl to have the love and entertainment you do :)

  2. I have loved following your blog and getting to know Taleah in the process.. she's an amazing little girl. Cafe Rio will forever remind me of her :) and I love her chubby cheeks she's packing around these days!! Still adorable as ever!

    Hang in there.. you have a truly amazing support system!

  3. I'm so glad she is happy! Haha, she looks like she is in heaven with that food and lounging around after. She is so strong. I can't believe the strength they have in them. Good luck with the last few days of the steroids! I hope you get to leave the hospital soon!

  4. The cravings are so funny aren't they? Glad she's such a good eater and loves eating a variety of things. And thank goodness for family--those rolls look delicious. Only 11 more days!

  5. Her little cheeks are not so little anymore. This last week and a half she will probably blow up. Chase's final weight gain was 12 lbs. He started at 30 and ended at 42lbs. She needs it because as soon as the steroids wear off she will not eat anything. I am so glad the day went good. You are probably in surgery now. Always thinking of you!

  6. Thinking and praying for you and Taleah right now! I hope the surgery went well!! And I really hope you get to go home soon!

  7. She's just so adorable! I'm glad she seems to be adjusting to everything. Be prepared, even when you're done with the steroids, it takes a while for them to wear off. The first thing I noticed going to back to normal though was Daph's attitude/mood. It is all the weight that takes a while. And Dani's right, they just keep getting bigger.

    I hope things go/went smoothly with her line placement and you guys are out of there ASAP. Thanks so much for keeping is all updated!

  8. Wow what a strong precious little girl! You are a wonderful mom and no one can judge you for any of your decisions!

    Jana Jorgensen

  9. Love that smile in the last pic! Sweet girl. So glad her echo and cultures were good. Hope all went well with surgery and that you will get to be home soon! Can't wait to see ya both.

  10. She looks so happy! That brings tears to my eyes and a smile to my face. We think about your family daily! Stay strong!

  11. Totally laughed when I saw the pic of her little buffet of food...too cute!!! I agree with Linds you definitely have the best family ever...i can tell they help bring laughter to probably the worst day... hang in there tosh...you have so many people praying for you guys and little miss taleah! Let us know if we can ever do anything for you guys!
