Friday, September 23, 2011

Kind of Depressed...

I have been hoping/praying all week that we could have an early OR time. For lots of reasons.... so she didn't have to fast for very long and so we could make it home in time for the benefit concert. I want to be at the concert REALLY bad. All of the hard work/time/money spent to put it on and I may not be able to go.

I just got a phone call saying the preliminary schedule has her at 12:15 in the OR. I was so so sad when they said that. They said that there was nothing earlier. She is that Dr.'s first patient of the day. He doesn't have a room in the OR until then. Talk about disappointed. I turned into a crazy/annoying mom and called to see if there was ANYTHING they could do considering our situation (which I am sure there are a lot of people in the same boat). She said she would see if there was a way to get us earlier. Who knows. Now I will just wait. Oh I hope so bad that there is something that can be done.

If not, we thought about leaving her with Aunt Grammy that night and flying back, but we may not even be able to make that plane time (4:50pm). Ahhh. I hope something works out. Living 5 hours away is really a problem. Dang. Hope they find a way. :)


  1. I hope the scheduling works out for you, and if you don't make it, there is a reason! I check-up on your family everyday here in California. I nanny a set of twins and the little girl was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer just before her second birthday and was cancer free just after her third. We are 4 years old now and she hasn't been feeling well the past 2 weeks, we have our checkup soon and are hoping for good results, but it still scary when she isn't feeling 100%. In a nut shell I can only begin to imagine what you as a mother must be going through but I am always thinking of you as I have lived through this journey with a family. Good wished to your beautiful family!

  2. Tosha, we are praying with you, hope the scheduling works out. Taleah has been calling us and chatting with us when she is with her Auntie Kate, we have loved every min of it. Keefers has some cute little hats for her that a lady up at the U hospital makes. I believe he will be bringing them down with him soon. Love you guys

  3. Oh Tosha, you are so honest and open about your feelings, it makes me feel like we are right there with you. Bless your sweet heart. We pray for all of you every day. As a mom, I can only imagine the anguish you must go through every day. I am sure no one else could handle things nearly as well as you do. You are so great to put her feelings ahead of your own no matter how much it must hurt. I just admire your courage and strength so much. I'm glad you and Scott have such a close loving family surrounding you. We love you dearly and are so grateful that we all have the Gospel to help us through these challenges.

  4. I will be praying that the scheduling works out for you.
