Tuesday, March 20, 2012


We were so glad to get the chemo done on Saturday. I was nervous about her getting sick while traveling down, but she did great. We kept on the meds for about 12 hours and then she seemed to handle it like a rockstar.
I was having major anxiety about going to Cali just in case something happened to her. We were out of our "comfort zone" and didn't know how things would be handled. I prayed and prayed. Luckily, she did great.
The drive down.... LONG! We were in the car for about 9 hours. That lovely Sunday traffic to Cali... never again!
Grateful for Elmo and snacks.

It wasn't until we were 1 1/2 hours away that they fell asleep. Mission accomplished... 7 hours later. Why didn't they fall asleep earlier?

We arrived at about 9pm and headed to dinner. It was the only night that we had Trevy and Kate. We headed to the Old Spaghetti Factory. It was a challenge with the kids.. as always.

The second night of dinner was with Steve Cook. He showed us the healthy way to dine.. at True Foods. It was pretty good. It was a new experience for us all!!
The beach was a hit. The kids loved it. Taleah and Slade were in heaven. Lots of sand castles, swimming, chasing waves and laying out (not for Scott and I). The weather was about 62 degrees and windy. Goosebumps and jackets for me, but not the people who wanted a tan.

The park was a blast. We spent a lot of time there. Big kids and little kids. I was paranoid about the germs. I am pretty much always paranoid. New life right?

Yep, that is his tantrum. We were waiting for the bikes, which turned out to be some serious biking. So fun.

Cheesecake factory=an all time favorite
It wasn't so great for me. The kids were more than we could handle. Scott and I spent the majority of the time handling the kids. Taleah cried the entire time and Slade threw 1 million tantrums. A walking circus... yes, that's us.

Her BFF for the trip. Kenna was a great sport. Taleah spent 50% of her time with her.

I am so glad that we were able to go. I am so glad that she didn't get sick. The sleeping was always hard because Slade slept like crap. The last night we were there was a nightmare. I have got to train Slade again.
It was nice because it was almost like we were in a different world. It was almost like cancer didn't exist for a minute. Minus the fact that she is bald and we wiped everything down. She didn't wear a mask very much. I just loved that for 3 days we pretended as if the cancer wasn't a part of our lives. I loved it. Don't worry, I didn't forget all the way. There were always those little reminders. I am just glad that we were able to have a good time and be "normal".
Thanks mom and dad for the fun trip!

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how different trips are with kids! Lexi has never done well on trips it seems! Still a nice little get away!
